Monday, March 3, 2008

Building Relationships with Students

“You have to ask yourself, ‘What is that student strong at? What do they do well?’ The reason that he understood “the Giver” is because most of “the Giver” has been framed in the context of relationships. He knows family relationships and how to take care of people. We have to ask, ‘What are they good at and how can we connect to that?’—and sometimes it is a stretch.”

“You have to take time to enjoy your students as people. I have to make sure they see that I’m having fun too. After establishing a routine, I will totally break it so that they never know what is going to come next.”

“What I love is the absurd. It might be standing on your desk, saying something in a cowboy voice. Whatever gets them going.”

“I like to sing. I have them beg for more work. They do a drumroll for me and then I reveal the page number. On the 100th day of school I rapped a portion of our song. I expect a lot but give them opportunities to enjoy themselves.”

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